About this website

Hi, glad to have you here on my personal website. I started the development of this website in 2021 and I might design and code new content or design elements in the future, if I realize that there is something missing. 

Regarding content: I know myself very well and because of that, I do not promise to write regularly. At least not as often as I code. If I think a topic is worth to publish, I will try to write it down and post it.

I do not want to limit my personal website on a specific topic, like web development or travel reports. Instead I might post content that will be a palette of topics, but I am pretty sure that I definetly will post about web technology and open source. Besides that I will publish stuff that I made/accomplished etc. during side hustles here in the projects section. You may visit my  content pages from time to time if you are interested.


This is an overview of the core technologie, web development libraries and frameworks that I haved used to code this website:

NGINX Web server Web server, load balancer, reverse proxy for the docker containers
letsencrypt SSL/TLS certificates delivery of this website with https
Docker, Docker Compose App container

Runtime environment for the different applications and databases in the production environment/build and runtime environment automatization

Magnolia Community Edition Content Management System Creation, editing and publishing content and pages, headless mode with content delivery REST endpoints, configuration of the author views using Magnolia lightmodules
Next.js Node.js and React framework Frontend, Incremental Static Regeneration (rendering of the pages on the server), content API
Typescript Types for JavaScript supports me with autocompletion, especially if I touched a React component a while ago and forget about possible/necessary properties

I document the development of this website partially here on  Twitch and on  YouTube.