Markee Editor
Markee Editor can be used to take notes in RichText or Markdown to be synchronized across devices
For the synchronization between devices, Markee makes use of Git version control. Documents that are not syncronized to a Git repository are persisted in your local browser. Markee is created with a focus on data privacy. The documents and data that you have created with Markee are yours and you decide where, how and with whom you want to share it or not.
Status: in active development, not released yet
Source Code: Markee on Github
Watch me creating it: Markee playlist on YouTube, Live Coding on Twitch (please follow me on Twitch if you want to know, how and when I will proceed implementing Markee)
Live coding on Markee Editor
Below you can see me coding Markee editors filetree view in TypeScript and React, using Quill editor.